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Prayer times.
Weekly programs.
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Maghrib to Isha: Quran for Busy People
Do you find yourself wanting to practice reading the Quran or improve your tajweed or pronunciation but you have a busy schedule? If so, this program may be for you. It's 15 minutes at a time.
Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, 5:30-7:30PM: Maktab After-School Program for Children
Mondays-Thursdays 5:30-7:30PM for boys ages 5+ and girls ages 5-12. Quran, Quran and dua memorization, Islam, fun.
Tues and Wed, Maghrib to Isha: Quran Pronunciation for Adults
Learn to read Quran how the Prophet (saws) taught us with pronunciation and tajweed. Classes each week.
Fri, Sat: Islamic Weekend School for Children
Fridays 6-8PM and Saturdays 10:30AM-1PM for for boys and girls ages 5-16. Islamic studies and Quran.
Every day, Maghrib to Isha: Gardens of the Righteous
A beautiful way to take a 15-minute break from all the pressures we have in life and relax in true contentment. You will learn from the collection of sahih ahadith in the "Riyadh As-Saliheen" book.
Sun after Fajr: Dhikr Gems
Learn duas (prayers) for everyday life from the Book of Adhkar by Imam An-Nawawi.
Sun after Fajr: Community Breakfast
Join the breakfast club every Sunday after fajr for a hearty meal and to connect with friends.
Community Programs
Weekly Programs
Annual Pathway to Jannah Conference
Community Events & Annual Picnic
Youth and Kids’ Programs (Including Past Events)
AlMaktab After-School Program
Islamic Weekend School
Vacation Trips and Summer Camp
Sports and Tournaments
Carnivals, Game Nights, and Youth Sleepovers (Qiyam Nights)
Ramadan Programs and Competitions
Prayer Services
Marital Services
Funeral Services
Resources for Teachers and Parents
Aqiqah Services
Translation & Interpretation Services
Islamic Will & Prep
Full-Time Imam
For New Muslims
About Islam
What people are saying.
“Good Imam, nice environment, has an after school program for youth and children.”
Masjid participant
“Blissful environment, where everyone is welcome with open hearts. Come here for five times daily prayers. Alhamdulillah, a very knowledgeable imam!”
Masjid participant
“Alhamdulillah! I really enjoy the program both days ! MashAllah all the speakers were very good ! Thanks a lot for sister session! I am looking forward to having more programs like this!
Annual Pathway to Jannah conference participant
“The event was well organized, you made this picnic 🎉 cool and enjoyable. Thank you.”
Event participant